Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition
Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is a re-release of the iconic real-time strategy game in which players will develop their own faction and fight in large-scale battles on land and sea.
The developers added a lot of new features that will definitely be appreciated by fans of the famous series:
- All official additions and 3 new scenarios are included, as well as 4 fully playable civilizations.
- The multiplayer mode is back to life again.
- Greatly improved graphics - now it has received a full HD-resolution.
- Interface was redesigned - it became more convenient and detailed, and makes management of the base together with the troops much easier.
In Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, players can choose from many unique civilizations and develop them over the course of the missions. The goal in each is to build an advanced and well-defended settlement, and then mine resources and assemble a serious army.
With the help of ground troops and naval forces, users must conquer neighboring states and take all of their resources. In order to finally triumph, it is necessary to turn all enemy cities to ashes and destroy its military forces.

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