Age of Empires: Definitive Edition (2018) PC
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition is a computer video game in the strategy genre, which is an updated part of the very first Age of Empires, released 20 years ago. You can download the Age of Empires: Definitive Edition game via torrent from our website for free and without registration. The developers have changed a lot, leaving the atmosphere of the legendary strategy, which marked the beginning of the legendary series.
A world-famous studio called Forgotten Empires worked on the creation of the game.
One of the key innovations is an updated story campaign, the passage of which will take at least forty hours, which is a real gift for fans of this series of strategies.
You can choose one of the ancient civilizations and build a huge powerful empire. And will it be possible to do it? It all depends on your skills – many people want to achieve exactly the same, so be ready to fight the enemy on the battlefield using all your strategic and tactical skills.
Changes to the story campaign are not the only thing that the developers have prepared for us in the new Age of Empires: Definitive Edition. Among the key changes , the following can also be highlighted:
- an updated online mode in which up to eight real players from around the world can compete;
- an advanced script editor that can be shared with other gamers;
- the AI of the units has been redesigned – now it's not so easy to win, opponents will snap back a lot and much more.
And the last but not least important change is the improved graphics, which now has 4K resolution. Age of Empires has never been as beautiful as it is now. The animation of all units has been updated – now they move really realistically. The new maps are also admired – in their quality of their drawing, it is immediately clear that the developers have

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