Age of Empires 2 HD: The Forgotten (2013) PC
Age of Empires 2 HD: The Forgotten is a global addition to the original real–time strategy of the same name, which gives fans new graphics and a lot of gameplay innovations.
Two studios called Forgotten Empires and SkyBox Labs worked on the creation of the DLC at once. The add–on itself was released in 2013 - more than ten years after the release of the original Age of Empires 2.
What have the developers prepared this time?
So, to begin with, it is worth noting that the number of playable factions has increased by another five, among which are the following:
- The Incas are the indigenous population of America, who must save their civilization from the invasion of Europeans;
- Slavs are brave peoples on the territory of Eastern Europe who are trying to build new states after the death of the Golden Horde;
- Italians are proud heirs of Rome, who want to regain their respect and wealth;
- Hungarians are cruel conquerors who are distinguished by the best cavalry and strive to capture the whole of Europe;
- Indians are brave warriors from Asia who fight on war elephants and honor their independence.
In addition, the developers have added as many as seven new companies – they give fans dozens more hours of exciting gameplay.
Now the maps on which all the actions unfold have become much larger, which gives a huge space for building your civilization.
All game mechanics remained untouched, as they have been working for more than ten years and are still liked by real fans of the series. The graphics here are not particularly beautiful – the picture is very similar to the first parts of the famous Ukrainian strategy "Cossacks".
Age of Empires 2 HD: The Forgotten is an ideal strategy for weak computers. It is undemanding to hardware, since the visual range is not striking, but the gameplay is incredibly interes

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