Temtem offers interesting multiplayer gameplay in a fabulous fantasy world, where you must collect a collection of amazing Temtem creatures.
Temtem's gameplay is extremely reminiscent of the famous Pokémon game, where you also need to collect famous cartoon characters and use them as fighters for battles in the arena. Instead of them here temtems, but the principle of gameplay is preserved in the same form.
There is no storyline in the game, but there is a large number of secondary tasks and challenges that can be completed alone or in a group with other real users.
Among the main gameplay features of the multiplayer adventurous game Temtem should be highlighted:
- Events unfold on a huge fairy-tale archipelago that is completely open for exploration.
- Battles take place in turn-based mode - gamers take turns giving orders to their monsters, and they obediently perform them.
- For each side fights for two monsters.
- Each temtem can not just inflict physical attacks, but also use magic, which will enhance the characteristics of monster or also cause a lot more damage.
- There is an editor of creatures, where the gamer can configure their appearance and starting abilities.
- For completing quests and trials gamer gets valuable bonuses and rewards, as well as improvements to collectible creatures.
- If the user wins, he takes two of his opponent's templates and quickly adds to his bestiary.

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