Age of Empires 4 PC
Age of Empires 4 is a long–awaited strategy, the actions of which unfold in real time. At the moment, the fourth part is being actively developed and the developers have thrown in a few details.
However, the trailer immediately says that we are waiting for updated mechanics, as well as a high level of realism and historical authenticity.
A famous Canadian studio called Relic Entertainment is working on the creation.
What should fans expect from the continuation of the legendary series?
Unfortunately, the developers are not too scattered with information about their new project, presenting only a small but rather colorful trailer.
What does he tell? For example, we can find out which civilizations to play for in the campaign. Here the choice is extremely interesting. If someone loves the period of antiquity, it is quite possible to side with the Roman Empire. Representatives of the indigenous peoples of America will also appear in the game up to 100%.:
- incas;
- the Aztecs;
- Maya and others.
The final time point in which events will unfold will be the period of the War of Independence in the United States. It should be expected that the level of graphics in Age of Empires 4 will please all fans of the universe.
It is still impossible to say exactly what changes will occur in the gameplay, but mechanics such as the construction of buildings, cities, the hiring of units and the collection of resources will suffer the least improvements. It is very interesting how the developers implement the research system – if it is at least half as cool as in Sid Meier's Civilization, then you will not have to wait long for success.
There is still no exact release date. The announcement of Age of Empires 4 took place in the middle of 2017. Some speculate that the game may appear on personal computers at the

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