Mortal Combat is a popular fighting game series that dates back to the end of the last century. In the 1990s, a revolutionary fighting game was born, the actions of which took place in a fictional fantasy universe, where the so-called "mortal kombat" takes place every few centuries.
According to the setting, in addition to Earth, there are many other dimensions that are inhabited by far from the most friendly races. The leaders of some of them have been trying for thousands of years to throw people into the universe and conquer them. One of these leaders was Shao Kahn. However, the ancient gods protecting the Earth found a way to stop their invasion time after time – they organized tournaments to the death, where representatives of two worlds fight in the arena, and the winner gets the right to close the portal or use it.
Among the main gameplay features that are characteristic of all video games of the Mortal Combat series, it is necessary to note:
The Mortal Combat series is the standard of fighting games, as it moves this genre forward and uses revolutionary mechanics. Other representatives of the genre are usually imitators.
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