Amnesia: The Bunker
Amnesia: The Bunker is the long-awaited sequel to the popular horror series Amnesia, in which gamers are offered the original setting of World War I, and the main character is a French soldier who finds himself in an underground bunker, where the monster lives.
Everything takes place in 1917 on the territory of Western Europe. Between the warring countries began so-called positional war, when the armies of the month hide in trenches and bunkers. And it is in one of these gets the protagonist - French Henri Clement, who fought off his brothers in arms during a fierce battle.
The hero hid from the Germans in a bunker, where he encounters a mysterious creature that has declared a manhunt. The gamer should solve all the mysteries of this mysterious bunker and, of course, try to find a way out.
Among the main features of the gameplay of the psychological horror Amnesia: The Bunker is worth highlighting:
- All the action takes place in first-person view, which adds authenticity and realism.
- The bunker boasts large dimensions and consists of confusing dark corridors.
- The enemy will serve only one creature, which can not be killed (because of the script).
- The most important resource for survival is light - it not only allows you to find the way and find the right item, but also gives an opportunity to scare away the antagonist for a while.
- There is a random system of event generation.
- You need to save the charge of the flashlight, because the batteries quickly run out, but you can find more batteries in the rooms.
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