Mad Restaurant People
Mad Restaurant People - casual work simulator, in which gamers will have to master the profession of a waiter and make their way from a small diner to a fashionable restaurant.
The protagonist is an ordinary student who found a job as a waiter with a small cafe by the road to earn money and pay the bills for his studies. In this institution job duties are simple enough, because the menu is small, and customers are not particularly fastidious, but the tips from them will be scarce. It is necessary to focus on the number of tables and do not particularly sweat the wait.
However, once the player will have enough experience, he can get a job in a more prestigious restaurant and there is no way to make customers to wait, the menu will become more complex and larger and there will be many new problems, but the tips are at times steeper.
Among the main gameplay chips simulator profession Mad Restaurant Restaurant Plan should be allocated:
- It is required to feed stray dogs in time to avoid running into the establishment and stealing food from the tray.
- One must not run into drunks at the table, or a conflict situation may arise.
- It is required to carefully perform their duties especially with VIP-clients who don't like to wait, but give very big tips.
- It is important to quickly clean up from the tables, so as not to appear rats.
- It is worth learning the location of the fire extinguisher and using it quickly during kitchen fires, and they happen often.

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