Far Cry 5 - Hours of Darkness
Far Cry 5 - Hours of Darkness opens a brand new interesting campaign, the action of which will unfold in Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
The main protagonist is a familiar character Wendell Redler, but here he is represented as a young guy, who went to defend the ideals of his country in a completely foreign war. Protagonist will be part of the U.S. troops to confront a well-trained and perfectly aware of the terrain Vietcong soldiers, who are extremely cruel to visitors from another continent.
Far Cry 5 - Hours of Darkness DLC brings a series of gameplay changes in addition to new storyline and location. There are mini-traps and extensions that are well hidden in the area. They are extremely important to watch out for, because falling into a trap can instantly lose your life. The base number of enemies also increased, and destroying them will become times more interesting.
Directly among the key gameplay features of Far Cry 5 - Hours of Darkness you need to mention:
- The virtual world is completely open and for the most part is represented by the jungle and numerous North Vietnamese soldiers' camps.
- There is an impressive variety of firearms that are fully consistent with the models used during the Vietnam War by each side.
- There is a system of regions that are initially controlled by enemy soldiers and each must be liberated to gain control of the terrain.
- As before, freedom of action outside of the main quests is preserved.
- Possibility to use transports, but more rarely, as the terrain is difficult to traverse.

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