Locked in my darkness
The action of Locked in my darkness takes place in a closed hospital complex, where previously psychiatric patients with aggressive behavior were held. It is from here that the protagonist must escape before the monsters get to him.
The storyline leaves a huge number of questions even after the passage. It all starts from the moment the protagonist wakes up in the middle of a gloomy room and can't remember how he got here. A huge abandoned building turns out to be a psychiatric hospital.
Now there are no doctors or patients here - only the results of monstrous experiments roam the corridors. The mutants are extremely aggressive and horrible-looking. They will pounce on a man and try to tear him to pieces at the first opportunity.
Among the key gameplay features of the psychological horror game Locked in my darkness is worth mentioning:
- The single-player campaign has a fairly low duration - an experienced fan of the genre will spend about an hour of real time on a full playthrough.
- The player has no way to save the gameplay - if your character dies or quits the game you will have to start everything from the beginning.
- The user will also not have any weapons with him - he has no way to defend himself from the monsters, so the only way out is to run away.
- There are scrimmers, which can scare anyone.
- The basis of gameplay is not only the constant escape from monsters, but also the solution of puzzles - as you move to the finale, their complexity gradually increases.

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