Breakwaters is an adventure sandbox game set in a fantasy setting, where powerful titans have been freed from their dungeon and are now causing monstrous cataclysms across the planet.
Since Breakwaters is a sandbox game, there is no specific storyline, and therefore the player gets a lot of freedom of action. The main task is to survive in this dangerous setting and fight against the titans before they get to the protagonist.
You can survive in the world of Breakwaters not only alone, but also in co-op with other real users. Help in survival can special crystals, which can be used in every way to manipulate the world's ocean, which has flooded almost all the land.
The main gameplay chips Breakwaters sandbox are:
- Beautiful cartoon graphics.
- Developed construction mechanics that will allow you to build houses, fortresses, small shelters.
- There is a system of crafting, through which you can create any items - from weapons to basic supplies.
- You can manipulate the water - with the help of crystals simply push it out, dig up the earth and fill the void with water, and so on.
- The main opponents are titans the size of an island and golem, which are no smaller than a large house.
- Pushing out the water is necessary to get to the seabed, where the most useful resources are.

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