Criminal Expert
Criminal Expert is a narrative interactive novel in which gamers become detectives for a time and solve the mystery surrounding the girl on the side of the road.
It all begins when an ordinary driver, while traveling across the state, stumbles upon a girl lying unconscious on the side of the road in the middle of the night. Her body showed numerous signs of violence, so the man called the police.
To investigate the case arrived the main character of the story - an experienced detective who has only 3 days to solve the problem. If you do not cope in this period, the perpetrator will be able to slip away. To do this will have to study the scene of the crime, as well as to question witnesses and suspects.
Among the main gameplay chips of the detective novel Criminal Expert should be noted:
- Combined scenes with computer graphics and cinematic footage.
- All interrogation scenes are recorded with the help of real actors, because of which the realism of what happens at the highest level.
- The need to make cause and effect connections.
- A very convoluted storyline full of unexpected twists and turns.
- The ability to personally influence the course of the narrative through your actions and decisions.

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