SimCity 6
SimCity 6 is a revolutionary urban planning simulator with a superb level of graphics and tons of gameplay options for building the huge metropolis of your dreams.
SimCity 6 offers several game modes to play through. Fans of the genre will be very familiar with the free-play format, in which the gamer can choose any of the existing maps and develop the city, in fact, to infinity. In this mode, there are no tasks and restrictions, and therefore the player can take advantage of unlimited freedom of action.
There are also numerous scenarios in which it is necessary to perform quests and gradually develop. This, although it puts the user in a certain framework, but still adds interest, because for the completion of tasks relies generous rewards.
Among the key gameplay chips urban simulator SimCity 6 should be noted:
- There is an editor for creating your own maps.
- Available terraforming mechanics, which allows you to change the landscape of any location.
- There is a huge variety of buildings of different nature - from ordinary residential buildings to huge industrial plants.
- It is necessary to monitor the mood of the inhabitants and meet their basic needs and give jobs.
- It is also important to avoid environmental disasters, which can lead to the death of an entire metropolis.
- Just as much attention should be paid to the finances needed to build and improve buildings.

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