Jagged Alliance 2
Jagged Alliance 2 offers the opportunity to lead a special forces unit, which must perform a dangerous mission to eliminate the dictator who has seized power in a small fictional state.
A small country called Aruglko has never interfered in the affairs of its stronger neighbors or engaged in wars. Because of its lack of a strong army, it ended up being an easy target for invasion by a neighboring state with a totalitarian regime in power.
Not wanting to lose his life, the ruler left the country, but he did not intend to leave his people to perish so easily. He gave the command to create a squad of professional soldiers, who must be trained to act behind enemy lines and resist the superior enemy forces.
The gamer has to become the captain of this squad and go to his native country to eliminate the dictator and eliminate his closest henchmen.
Among the key gameplay chips of the tactical strategy Jagged Alliance 2 should be noted:
- The user will operate in a situation where there are significantly more opponents than protagonists, and therefore regular entry into open skirmishes will quickly lead to the death of all members of the squad.
- User must rely on tactics and stealth, destroying enemies in small groups.
- As the narrative there is an opportunity to recruit new fighters in the squad, choosing from local residents who have the talents and skills to wield weapons.
- All fighters are allowed to be equipped with tougher guns and body armor, which increases their effectiveness in combat.

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