United Assault - Normandy '44
United Assault - Normandy '44 is a first–person shooter video game set in 1944, just before the start of the famous D-Day (the Allied Landings in Normandy).
The main character is a member of the military formation of paratroopers. His task is to land with his fellow soldiers behind enemy lines and undermine the enemy's defenses before a large-scale offensive on June 6.
The task is not easy, because the protagonist will have to act in conditions of superior enemy forces with limited resources. Its immediate goals include the elimination of officers, the undermining of important strategic points, warehouses and artillery pieces that will not allow an amphibious operation.
Among the main gameplay chips of the military shooter United Assault - Normandy '44, it is necessary to highlight:
- The events unfold on a completely open map, which consists of 15 settlements and small towns recreated with historical accuracy.
- A large arsenal of authentic firearms – there are 15 barrels in total, but initially only 7 of them are available.
- In addition to firearms, there are various types of explosives with which you can arrange explosions and sabotage.
- There is a multiplayer mode in which gamers are divided into 2 teams and are required to fight against each other in a death match format and perform strategic tasks.<

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