March of the Eagles
March of the Eagles is a global turn–based strategy game, the events of which unfold in the period from 1805 to 1820 on the territory of Western Europe. The strategy is dedicated to one of the most famous historical periods, which many know as the Napoleonic Wars.
March of the Eagles does not offer gamers to personally manage troops on the battlefield, like the Total War series, however, the faction management system, diplomacy, economics and other mechanics are much better developed and force the user to think what step to take so that the country does not cease to exist soon.
Players can complete a long campaign for one of the following sides: Austria, the Ottoman Empire, France, Great Britain, the Russian Empire, Prussia, Sweden and Spain. Each of them has different goals that they must achieve to win.
Among the main gameplay features of the March of the Eagles global strategy, it is necessary to note:
- Decisions are an important component – these are unique events in which a gamer must make one or another choice concerning the army, economy, production, diplomacy.
- All decisions have long-lasting consequences and can significantly affect the future of the faction.
- The ability to create coalitions is a huge military bloc in which countries act as allies to defeat a stronger opponent.
- Each state has a number of unique buildings and units.
- To win, you need to achieve territorial expansion, weaken direct competitors, seize an advantage on land and at sea, as well as capture your cultural core.
March of the Eagles is an ideal strategy for those who want to think a lot and think throu

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