Gloria Victis (2016) PC
Gloria Victis is an MMORPG with elements of the classic "roleplay". The game world is a Europe of the Middle Ages with the Middle East. Often you can find fantasy details borrowed from the folklore of the Slavs.
Battle Moments
An important feature of the game is hidden in the "non-target" - a combat system that implies the defeat of an opponent after hitting him with any weapon. Blows should be dealt prudently. It is important to determine the direction as accurately as possible and calculate the distance. This system is very similar to Mount\Blade. Thanks to the well-developed physics, it was possible to achieve a diverse use of the arsenal that is available to players.
It's important to know!
A huge advantage of the game is the freedom of action. This is confirmed by the huge game world filled with medieval architecture. There is no such thing as a "hero class" in Gloria Victis. The player himself can create and improve his character, using the available set of skills and knowledge. You can also find "crafting" - the creation of objects from all kinds of resources. The game is primarily focused on war. But there are elements of magic in it. Quests are not distinguished by something extraordinary.
Game World
A large game world is offered to the attention of gamers. The developers have created huge territories, which include sixteen types of terrain with two thousand quests. The parts of the map are connected to each other, so you can move from one to the other as if it were happening in the present time. Ships facilitate travel, with the help of which it is very easy to navigate through water spaces. The game has many locations. Do not neglect the protective structures, they should be constantly improved.
The basics of the gameplay consist of:
- unprecedented realism;
- unique combat system;
- battles on horseback;
- extensive opportunities in pvp;
- advanced reputation system;
- dynamic

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