Soldier of Fortune: Payback (2008) PC
Soldier of Fortune: Payback is the third part of a linear shooter, actually unrelated to the plot of the previous ones. It is designed for both a single passage and a joint campaign.
The game is based on the same organization The Shop (the only thing Payback has in common with its predecessors), which fights terrorists around the world. The former main character went either to retirement, or to another world. His place was taken by a young agent Mason. He and his partner Miller are tasked with saving the life of a Chinese high-ranking official who has dirt on the government of his own country.
The mercenary, as usual, chooses the side that pays more. So Miller kills the diplomat himself, and tries to send his partner after him, but the future hero comes out of the fight the winner. It turns out that there are traitors at the head of the organization, and the international conflict that has flared up will not allow the protagonist to live in peace. In order to ensure a normal life, he will have to visit:
- Asia;
- several African countries;
- Donetsk;
- Russia;
- The Middle East.
If there was enough cruelty in previous games, but it was extremely reasonable, then there is too much of it in Payback. Instead of severed limbs or a severed head, each shot disfigures the body so much that it becomes creepy. Fortunately, the corpses disappear before our eyes, but their place is taken by clones everywhere, forcing us to use shelters.
The gamer has prepared a large arsenal of three dozen weapons in eight classes: pistols, sniper and assault rifles, grenades and heavier guns. Their lethal force and accuracy differ little, from which do not shoot, so rapid-firing rifles are more popular.
A beautiful picture is partially overshadowed by not very logical artificial intelligence, where enemies behave like shooting targets in

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