Stalker Call of Pripyat Sigerous Mod 3.0 (2018) PC
Stalker Call of Pripyat Sigerous Mod 3.0 is a super global amateur add-on that can be installed on all parts of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The latest version of this mod is the letter 3.0. The development of the add-on was started almost immediately after the release of the original game in 2007. Since then, the mod has become more extensive, and the list of changes is longer.
Changes introduced by Sigerious Mod 3.0
The list of innovations has become truly colossal over the past 10 years since the start of development, here are just the main ones:
- added locations populated entirely by monsters according to their habitat in the Zone;
- simulation of night life, during the day the territory belongs to people, but at night all known monsters go hunting;
- added about a hundred new artifacts, with their own places of appearance;
- more than 40 modifications of weapons;
- improved models of weapons, buildings and armor;
- the amount of money earned has been reduced, really big money can be obtained only for artifacts;
- dynamic weather;
- constant war of factions for territories, 3 new factions have been added.
This list could be continued for a very long time, but it's better to see everything for yourself. Unique stalker merchants have been added to the game world, everyone has their own assortment of goods and is constantly changing. Having correctly built a dialogue with the characters, you can find out from them the coordinates of caches with especially valuable things and objects. And in order to have something to do while exploring all the new territories, the developers have added about 100 new quests. Through the efforts of their team, almost a game within a game was created, it is very difficult to find out the original game in the Sigerious Mod, so everything has been redesigned and new added. And at the end of the original storyline, the player will receive a

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