This category includes a huge number of projects that can provide a completely open city, an area of the earth or another location for research. In such games, you are free to decide which way to go.
First of all, open-world games are interesting with full freedom of action and an impressive number of locations for travel. Unlike computer entertainment, which consists of several corridors of the same type, video games with a large, almost unlimited world will appeal to fans in every possible way to explore amazing places and have fun.
Not every studio can make a high-quality project with an unlimited world. The main mistake of the developers is the emptiness of the locations in the game, there is simply nothing to do on them. Therefore, all locations should be filled with a sufficient amount of diverse content: quests, various useful items and other things with which the player can interact. Otherwise, traveling through a boring, monotonous and frankly empty virtual space will get bored incredibly quickly. What should be in a high-quality Open World project: