Mark of the Ninja: Special Edition (2012) PC | RePack by R.G. Mechanics
The game is a unique stealth platformer. The main task is to quietly sneak past the enemy to make silent kills without attracting attention. Despite the fact that the project is made in two-dimensional space, stealth mode is present here and is a key element of the gameplay.
For successful completion, gamers must use any available means. During the game, unique tactics and strategy are developed. There are several ways to complete the level. You can kill everyone one by one, gradually moving through the location, or distract a group of enemies by jumping past them. Attacking in the open will not succeed. The game is quite complicated, and therefore you can't do without stealth here. Fans of black humor can throw a special trap to one of the opponents. When he dies, the second guard will immediately start panicking and shooting in all directions. The bullet will hit the third. There will be only one enemy to deal with. Fun and practical.
A huge role in Mark of the Ninja is played by sound. Footsteps, gunshots, explosions and other actions create a sound wave. As soon as it reaches the enemy, he will immediately try to find the source. The developers displayed the wave as translucent contours. Gamers can control themselves as a source of noise and monitor the sounds that opponents make.
Advantages of the game
The game was appreciated by gamers and critics. This is due to a number of its positive qualities:
- original gameplay and convenient controls;
- a large arsenal of historically accurate weapons;
- well-chosen difficulty level;
- unique visual design;
- the environment is constantly changing, which is why you often have to revise the style of play;
- high-quality black humor;
- excellent game mechanics. Not

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