Last Epoch
Last Epoch - a new and very promising role-playing video game with isometric camera, which in style and gameplay strongly resembles the legendary Diablo 2, but only in a more attractive visual design and some improvements.
As befits the genre, it takes you to a dark fantasy world, which traditionally must be liberated from the forces of evil, demons and other villains. Gamers are given the opportunity to create their heroes literally from scratch, choose a class (there are 15 of them) and each has unique builds and combat tactics.
The game boasts high complexity and in some places it resembles a souls-like game, which does not forgive mistakes at all.
The most interesting thing that Last Epoch has to offer is a high level of hardcore. Here, in addition to the classic format, there are three complicated ones:
- Solo - in it, the gamer is limited in transferring money and items between protagonists.
- Hardcore - protagonist dies once and for all, and therefore it is extremely important not to make mistakes, because you will have to start the passage for a new hero.
- Masochist - after each death of the protagonist his damage slightly decreases, and the damage of enemy mobs, on the contrary, slightly increases.
In addition, Last Epoch offers a deeper system of character upgrading, because each skill has its own branch of improvements. Otherwise, the game is a classic isometric RPG, which definitely deserves attention.

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