Lies Of P
Lies Of P is one of the coolest souls-likes to come out in recent years, boasting an original setting based on the famous tale of Pinocchio, except here it's served in a more grotesque style.
The main character, directly, is Pinocchio, who comes to his senses in the city of Krat and sees that it is gripped by some kind of madness. The machines that serve the people have malfunctioned and started killing their owners, and the people themselves are tormented by some kind of disease that turns everyone into stone statues.
Pinocchio discovers a message saying that he must find his creator Geppetto. This is the main goal in the single-player campaign, but gamers will find a rather branching plot and a lot of additional activities.
Among the key gameplay features of the role-playing action game Lies Of P should be noted:
- Very difficult bosses, with which according to the tradition of the genre will have to sweat incredibly hard.
- Perfectly developed system of hero pumping.
- There is a full Russian localization.
- A wide variety of enemies, to each of which it is extremely important to pick up individual tactics of battle.
- Beautiful modern graphics.
- A beautiful adaptation of a popular fairy tale.
- Gloomy gothic world, worked out to the smallest detail.

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