Beer Factory
Beer Factory is an atmospheric business simulator in which players get a unique opportunity to lead a huge company engaged in the production and sale of first-class beer.
The protagonist's company at the beginning of the passage does not bring in much income, and in general it is struggling to stay afloat. The task is simple and obvious - you need to raise the production from its knees and bring it to a fundamentally new level. This will allow to receive solid income and significantly expand the plant.
As a manager, the protagonist can participate in absolutely all spheres of the brewery's work - from inventing new types of beer and brewing it to creating logistics chains and financial affairs.
Among the key chips of the gameplay of the Beer Factory simulator should be emphasised:
- Modern graphics with marvellous detailing of every object.
- The player must not only monitor and manage many processes in the production, but also deal with the delivery of beer to various points where they will be sold.
- Direct participation in the process of brewing beer at every stage.
- Managing the financial affairs of the company.
- Use specialised machinery and equipment, without which it is impossible to conduct such a large-scale business.
- If initially gamers will not be able to boast top-of-the-line equipment in their factory, then as they pass it can be improved or buy a cooler new one.

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