Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is one of the most anticipated video games of 2024, with which the legendary Prince of Persia series returns. More than one generation grew up on this franchise, and after so many years, it's a really high-quality action game that deserves all the praise it gets.
As part of the passage fans will be transported to Persia, but this time they will play not for the Prince, but for a completely new character. He becomes a member of a caste of warriors known as "immortals". Sargon is obliged to save his native country and challenge the evil wizard Zal. First, he made a daring attack on the palace of the king and kidnapped the still young prince of Persia, and then captured the mystical mountain Kaf, where he and his large army are currently sheltering.
Among the main chips of gameplay action-platformer Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is worth emphasising:
- Beautiful graphics in cartoon style.
- Quite a high level of difficulty in general, as the video game has multiple characteristic features of roguelikes and metroidvania.
- The ability to use not only parkour skills and the power of weapons to overcome certain obstacles, but also the unique power of time management.
- Incredibly exciting and really challenging battles with bosses.
- Well-developed story campaign, which is generously flavoured with a lot of additional quests.
- On the locations you can find secret places.

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