The Walking Dead: Destinies
The Walking Dead: Destinies is an exciting action-adventure game with survival simulator elements, which will allow you to follow the path of Rick and his group during the first four seasons of The Walking Dead series.
It all begins when Rick Grimes wakes up from a coma in a hospital during a time when the end of the world has already begun. He faces an incredibly dangerous journey in a country where almost the entire population has turned into zombies.
His task is to find his family. After the reunion, the heroes' journey does not end - they still have to find a place where Rick, his family and new friends will be safe. However, this will be the most difficult task in their lives, because the world has turned into Hell and the danger is not only zombies, but also other survivors.
Among the main chips of gameplay of the adventure The Walking Dead: Destinies is required to highlight:
- Beautiful photorealistic graphics.
- The opportunity to play for 13 iconic characters from the original universe.
- Incredibly dramatic storyline with a lot of unexpected turns and complex moments.
- The ability to destroy zombies with an extensive arsenal of cold and firearms.
- Original locations - from Atlanta to Hershel's farm and the prison near Woodbury.
- It is required to collect resources, ammunition and weapons, and then competently distribute them among your group.

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