Unholy is a fast-paced action horror game set in a post-apocalyptic setting where humanity is forced to fight for its future against hordes of monsters that were also formerly human.
Seyda resides in the last human settlement on the planet. Until a couple of decades ago, civilisation was thriving, but that changed when a mysterious plague appeared that didn't kill people, but turned them into monsters. As a result, a large portion of the population became infected.
Seyda is a woman from the lowest strata of society, for whom life in the only surviving town was not a paradise, as he endured constant oppression from the upper classes. And suddenly fate strikes another blow - her daughter is kidnapped. Naturally, no one in the city cares about this, and the protagonist will have to defy the dangerous world on her own to try to find her daughter.
The main advantages of the horror game Unholy are:
- Quite complex gameplay, which does not forgive mistakes - enemies do a lot of damage and procrastination quickly turns into the death of the character.
- Excellent visuals - the modern graphics engine Unreal Engine 4 is used, which gives the highest quality image.
- Well-created post-apocalyptic atmosphere - all locations look destroyed and devastated, and everything around speaks of death.
- Seyda has the ability to fight off enemies, but she won't have any serious weapons - it's mostly improvised items.
- Cool with directed cut-scenes like an expensive film.
- The player has to take care not only of the heroine's physical health, but also of the state of her sanity and soul.

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