Battle Cry of Freedom
Battle Cry of Freedom is a combat simulation of the American War of Independence that puts you in the shoes of an infantryman engaged in bloody battles.
Battle Cry of Freedom has no storyline. Gameplay is divided into single-player scenarios and online battles between real users.
In the first format, the gamer can choose any role - from artilleryman and commander to an ordinary gunner and will participate in large-scale battles. In the second, instead of hundreds of bots fighting real users and the purpose of this battle - to destroy all opponents. There is also a mode where you have to capture and hold control points to score victory points.
Among the main gameplay features of the Battle Cry of Freedom simulator should be highlighted:
- Events take place on spacious maps - there are 14 in total.
- Players fight exclusively with authentic weapons - muskets, rifles, pistols, bayonets and sabers.
- Reloading system is close to reality and takes a long time, as well as aiming, due to which the accuracy is low.
- In combat, players must form squads and shoot from a line to ensure the density of fire - so there is a better chance of hitting the target.
- You can stand behind the artillery crew and destroy the enemy with cannonballs.
- In a single battle can participate at the same time about 800 soldiers - 400 for each side of the conflict.
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