Android Hunter A
Android Hunter A is an action-platformer with beautiful cartoon graphics, which transports to the sci-fi setting and gives the opportunity to take on the role of a man who seeks to save the world from the domination of the robots.
Android Hunter A has a simple and uncomplicated plot about the dystopian future of humanity. According to the setting, the planet has been overrun by robotic androids, who have turned humans into their slaves. However, not everyone has put up with this state of affairs - there is a hero who decides to challenge the machines. To win, the protagonist must defeat the ringleaders and destroy the control center of artificial intelligence.
The most important gameplay chips action Android Hunter A are:
- Thanks to the animated picture, all the battle scenes do not look violent.
- The number of levels reaches 8, and each of them boasts a unique and original design.
- Each location has unique enemies with their own strengths and weaknesses.
- All the battles with bosses look like in fighting games with the use of various types of punches, evasions and special perks.
- On some maps, users will be able to use motorcycles and a number of futuristic vehicles.
- In addition to battles with opponents will have to overcome physical obstacles and jump over platforms.

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