Isonzo takes the gamer to the not so distant past - to the period of the First World War and tells about the events that are almost never covered in video games, namely the confrontation on the Italian front.
The developers often overlook the events on the Italian front, where the confrontation between Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Italy took place. The name of the project came from the river Isonzo, where 12 bloody battles took place.
As part of the passage, players can choose different modes and perform tactical tasks of defense, storming fortifications, the use of poison gas, and so on. There is no plot in the action game - all the gameplay revolves around dynamic and rather realistically recreated battles.
The key gameplay features of the tactical shooter Isonzo are:
- A very authentic atmosphere - users will be able to see the guns and equipment used at the time, will participate in confrontations on historical locations and, of course, will use the tactics relevant at the time.
- Kill the enemy here you can literally with a single accurate shot - no arcade and health reserve.
- Allowed to use not only personal firearms, but also stationary machine guns, mortars and artillery.
- As support there is a function to call in an artillery strike, a gas attack, an air raid.
- Before the start of the battle you can choose the role of the fighter, among which there is an engineer, sniper, gunner, machine gunner and others.

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