Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - the first part of the famous stealth action series of the same name, in which players will control special agent Sam Fisher, who wants to stop the global military conflict.
The U.S. National Security Agency creates a special unit called the Third Echelon. The members of this unit are tasked with combating threats to national security and fighting terrorists.
Sam Fisher is the first fighter of the "Third Echelon", which is assigned an extremely dangerous and difficult task - to prevent the beginning of a military conflict between China and the United States. In addition, he is required to find the missing president of Georgia Kombayan Nikoladze and prevent the use of a secret Georgian weapon codenamed "Ark".
Among the main gameplay features of stealth action Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell is worth highlighting:
- The player can use parkour techniques to overcome obstacles.
- Entering into open combat is not welcome - you must either sneak through guards silently, or quietly eliminate them.
- At each level the protagonist is given a limited amount of ammunition, forcing them to use only in extreme cases.
- In addition to firearms with silencer, you can use thermal imaging, night vision goggles, grenades and a number of high-tech gadgets.
- If the enemy raises the alarm several times per level, it ends in defeat.

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