Wings! Remastered edition
Wings! Remastered edition is a re-release of the now iconic military arcade game, in which gamers become pilots of the legendary 56th Squadron. The player's task is to survive to the end of combat operations.
The graphics have been completely changed in the remastered game and now look modern. If before the picture was two-dimensional and pixelated, now users are waiting for fully three-dimensional objects.
As for the story campaign, it remained unchanged. Users act in the role of an ordinary pilot, who must pass about 230 interesting quests that require the destruction of not only air targets, but also the ground and do not get caught in the enemy fire.
Among the main gameplay chips arcade Wings! Remastered edition are worth noting:
- Simple gameplay that won't require the player to have any particular skills in controlling combat aircraft.
- All aircraft are authentic period of the First World.
- Missions will require to fight against enemy aircraft and here the main thing is to learn how to react quickly, to shoot at pre-emptive range and dodge attacks on time.
- When attacking ground targets must take into account the speed of flight and drop bombs so that they hit the target.
- As the narrative progresses, the difficulty will gradually increase.

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