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Battlefield 3: End Game (2011) PC

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Battlefield 3: End Game is the final addon to the shooter, which, like the previous ones, pretty much redoes the gameplay and transforms the famous game. This time it becomes like a new Hollywood action movie with motorcycle shootings, countless chases and accidents.


The most important change brought to Battlefield 3 by the addition is the command mode "Capture the Flag" ... or the addition of motorcycles, to whom as. Or maybe both innovations. In any case, the End Game is not only the end of supporting the third part of the game, but also an opportunity to compete in stealing flags. The banner must be pulled from the enemy's base at any cost and delivered to your base, using a two-wheeled roaring monster for this. Those who carry away the banner are being chased by humvees, bikes and helicopters. Everything is as shown in the trailer.

A couple of people can sit on a motorcycle: a driver and a shooter with a compact gun, but an experienced driver will not have to shoot back. The maps are created in such a way that a couple of jumps over trampolines, overcoming a ravine and several hills lead to the home base. End Game added dynamics to the shooter. Motorcyclists are not protected by anything, but it is not easy to get into them, a second hitch and the bike disappeared. You can attach C4 to a two-wheeled vehicle and, having directed the piece of iron towards the tank, jump off a little before reaching it, so as not to suffer from an explosion. Detonation will occur only when the bike collides with the tank, otherwise – the unit of equipment is lost, and the gun can turn towards the former driver.

Capture the flag

In addition to the fact that the flag needs to be stolen from a well-protected enemy base (if the defense is really organized reasonably), it needs to be quickly delivered to its own. And if the enemy has your banner, the game can turn into rubber. In this case, there are not enough forces either to storm the enemy or to protect their estates.

The return of your favorite technique

Bikes are not the only thing that can please gamers, but they are the ones that cause the greatest delight. A jeep covered with armored plates with an anti-aircraft missile launcher will help get rid of rival aircraft, such as the AC-130 aircraft. Yes, and they can set fire to the tank. The landing craft also returned. It will help to make a rustle in the enemy's rear by delivering a heavy IFV there. Although such a move rarely radically changes something.

In other aspects, "The End of the Game" offers several new quests related to new game modes, and rewards for com

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/ Size: 35 Гб
Battlefield 3: End Game (2011) PC
Year of release: 2011
Developer: DICE
Publisher: EA
Platform: PC
Publication type: Лицензия
Interface: Русский | Английский
Voiceover: Русский | Английский
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