Ghost Hunters Corp
Ghost Hunters Corp is a horror video game inspired by classic movies about ghosts and other paranormal phenomena. The main character will take on the role of a man who is not afraid of the supernatural and fights evil spirits, no matter how terrible it may be.
Strange sounds and even unexplained phenomena are not uncommon in many old houses. In some industrial enterprises, a lot of tragic events have occurred throughout history, which ended in the painful death of people. It is in such places that the protagonist will have to visit, because they are teeming with unsettled souls or even someone much worse - demonic entities that are aimed at killing people.
It is not necessary to fulfill orders to eliminate spirits and demons alone – there is a full-fledged cooperative mode designed for up to 4 real users. As a group, fighting against the supernatural is much more fun and interesting.
The main gameplay features of the horror Ghost Hunters Corp are:
- An impressive arsenal of non–standard weapons that will help exclusively against evil spirits - holy water, crucifixes, the Bible and magical artifacts.
- A ghost and other paranormal creature cannot be killed, since it is already dead, but it can be expelled from the human world – for this you will have to perform a special ritual, collecting all the objects and clues that connect it with this world.
- In cooperative mode, members of the hunter team can communicate with each other using voice chat.
- There are many locations – from abandoned houses to entire medieval castles with a very dark history.

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