Fog Of War
Fog Of War presents an opportunity to participate in single-player and multiplayer battles of the World War II period. By genre, the game should be classified as a first-person shooter with an emphasis on the tactical component.
There is no storyline in Fog Of War, but single missions partially repeat the scenario of the most famous battles of the military conflict. All the weapons and equipment used by the fighters are as close as possible to the one that really existed at that time. It looks practically no different from historical samples and has the same tactical and technical characteristics.
The battles themselves take place in large, spacious locations that differ in landscape and architecture. These features are important to use in battle, because they will help to hide from enemy fire.
The main gameplay features of the military action film Fog Of War are:
- Each player has his own role on the battlefield – the machine gunner is obliged to hold the direction, the stormtrooper is obliged to attack the fortifications, and the driver–mechanic is to control the tank, cover the infantry and push through enemy defenses.
- Ballistics is as close to real as possible, as well as damage mechanics. A shot in the leg will not kill the enemy, but only slow down, and a hit in the head kills instantly. It is also impossible to destroy a tank by hitting the tower, but a blow to the engine can turn it off immediately.
- For winning battles, users receive valuable rewards – customization items that will change the appearance of the fighter and equipment, but these buffs do not affect the balance at all.
- In battle, users are required to fulfill various goals – sometimes it's not enough just to kill the enemy, you need to storm fortifications, hold strategic points and capture key objects.

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