Mars: War Logs
Mars: War Logs is a video game in the genre of action adventure with a third–person view, which takes place in a sci-fi setting of the distant future, where humanity has colonized Mars for two centuries.
After people were able to go to the red planet, they built a number of settlements, but were unable to terraform the atmosphere, which is why they continued to live in rather harsh conditions. However, modern technologies soon made it possible to build entire cities, invented plants capable of living in such a specific soil, and even managed to find water suitable for consumption.
Mars flourished for decades until a global cataclysm occurred, as a result of which the axis of the planet shifted. As a result, the magnetic field of Mars stopped reflecting solar radiation and most of the population died. There are only small islands of civilization where the magnetic field is still active. Four guilds have sprung up on these islets, thriving on the extraction of water. There has been a war between them for many years now and the gamer is forced to choose one of the sides and lead it to victory.
Among the main gameplay features of the futuristic action movie Mars: War Logs, it is necessary to note:
- There is an opportunity to hire companions who will become valuable assistants in battles.
- There is a crafting system with which a gamer can create weapons and protective equipment for himself.
- Opponents are not only people, but also mutants – once people who mutated as a result of exposure to solar radiation.
- There are many basic and similar quests, passing which you can deeply study the history of the virtual world.
- The arsenal of weapons is represented by futuristic melee weapons, gadgets capable of striking the enemy with lightning, as well as many va

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