Binary Domain
Binary Domain is a video game in the genre of sci–fi tactical shooter with a third-person view, which takes the user to the world of an alternative post-apocalyptic future, where humanity faces a threat from cybernetic organisms.
At the beginning of the 21st century, global warming is beginning to affect the entire planet more and more. As a result, it leads to catastrophic consequences – the glaciers melted, which caused the water level to rise so much that 3 4 of all cities were under water. Billions of people died.
The remaining people built new megacities well above the waterline. The key role in creating a new world was played by robots, which were the ideal workforce. They were produced by the American company Bergen, which eventually made the United States the only superpower.
A few years later, all countries decided to stop the production of robots. The main events take place in 2080, when a new model cyborg attacks the company's office. The US government suspects the Japanese company Amada, which opposed the ban on the production of cyborgs, of creating it. The main character, a fighter of the "Rusty Brigade" detachment, must go to Japan to find out the whole truth about "Amada" and capture its leading scientists.
Among the main gameplay features of the futuristic action movie Binary Domain, it is necessary to note:
- The emphasis is on team interaction between several members of the squad – showing a single skill, it is impossible to defeat a well-organized opponent.
- The protagonist is the commander of the squad and is obliged to give orders to the fighters using a special menu.
- A wide variety of firearms, explosives, and futuristic gadgets.
- There is a system of consequences that affects the attitude of soldiers to the protagonist – if he does everything correctly and goes to meet his people, they will be supportive of him and will carry out all orders without problems, and if not,

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