Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2007
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a computer video game in the genre of action adventure, the events of which are based on the popular full-length cartoon of the same name about the adventures of four superheroes fighting crime in their native New York. After the Shredder was defeated, the turtles believed that the supervillain was finished, but the ancient immortal monarch returned after thousands of years of wandering and seeks to regain his powers.
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A well-known Canadian studio called Ubisoft Montreal worked on the creation of the video game.
It all started three thousand years ago, when a powerful king, who dreamed of taking over the whole world, opened a portal that supposedly gives incredible powers. However, things did not turn out the way the king thought. He received immortality, but at the same time his most powerful generals turned into stone, and monstrous creatures climbed through the portal, which destroyed everything around and the king was eventually expelled.
The monarch has been hiding for more than three thousand years, and under the guise of an ordinary person has earned himself a huge fortune. Now he is known as Max Winters, and in order to regain his influence, he is trying to find his generals and bring them back to life. The hero finds their statues and brings them back to life, but they eventually betray Max and seek to enslave the world themselves. Here, ninja turtles come to the rescue, who unite to defeat powerful generals.
Among the key gameplay features of the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2007, it is necessary to highlight:
- four unique characters with their own fighting styles, super punches and abilities;
- simple, intuitive mechanics, which also looks very colorful;
- challenging bosses represente
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