DOTA 1 is a custom map (modification) for a computer video game in the genre of real–time strategy Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its additions Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, which has gained huge popularity among gamers from all over the world. The unique gameplay with a role-playing component and constantly high online players gave impetus to the further development of the genre.
The modification of DOTA 1 can be downloaded via torrent from our website for free and without registration.
A person under the nickname IceFrog worked on the creation of the modification.
Gameplay Features
The gameplay consists in a confrontation between two teams: the forces of Light and Darkness. Events take place exclusively on one map, which gave the name for the modification.
Each team can have five real players who choose their heroes at the beginning of the battle – their total number reaches several dozen. All the characters are absolutely unique – they have a unique appearance and a number of abilities.
Also, among the key gameplay features, it is necessary to highlight:
- there is a role–playing system - finishing off creeps and enemy heroes, the characters get experience points, which in turn increase their level, which makes them more combat-ready;
- the ability to buy various items in the shop – health and mana recovery potions, weapons, armor and accessories that increase survival and damage;
- a lot of gameplay mechanics that allow you to conduct unique combinations of abilities in battles;
- the victory is earned by the team that first destroys th

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