Marvel's Spider-Man (2018) on PC
Marvel's Spider-Man is a console video game in the genre of action adventure, the plot of which tells about the incredible life and struggle of the superhero Spider–Man in his hometown, where he eradicates crime.
An American team called Insomniac Games worked on the creation of the action movie.
Peter Parker has been wearing a Spider-Man costume for more than eight years and rescues the residents of New York City from numerous villains and criminal gangs. This time, a group that calls itself "demons" appears in the metropolis. They spread a drug through the streets – "Demon Breath", which leads to the death of all those who took it.
Peter decides to challenge the "demons" and begins systematically destroying all gang members, eliminating numerous stocks of biological weapons. However, despite all attempts, the villains infect the whole city with a drug, which eventually turns out to be a dangerous virus.
But the problems do not end there – the mentor of the main character, Dr. Otto, gradually goes crazy, and after creating a super suit with tentacles controlled by the brain, and everything turns into another enemy of Spider-Man.
Marvel's Spider-Man is a dynamic action adventure with advanced combat mechanics, which definitely deserves the attention of everyone who owns a PS4 console.
Among the key gameplay features of the action , it is necessary to highlight:
- an open virtual world in which Peter can travel both on foot and with the help of a web;
- the mechanics of parkour, which, coupled with incredible abilities, helps to overcome any obstacles;
- an advanced combat system that combines the use of unique skills, various kinds of punches, parkour and Spider-Man superpowers;
- the main character's leveling system;
- several costumes with different parameters, which are opened during the pa

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