Rogue Trooper (2006) PC
A third-person action movie in which the gamer has to control a genetically modified soldier. The game will appeal to fans of the futuristic setting, because the action takes place in the future on a distant planet.
Another world War ended with a fragile truce between the Northern Union and the Southern Confederation. Taking advantage of the lull, the opponents undertook to actively explore space and found out that black holes are super-fast portals between spaces. The planet Novaya Zemlya, discovered by the Southerners, has become a tasty morsel for both sides. Unwilling to give up their positions, Southerners and northerners have turned it into a toxic hell for two decades. However, technology does not stand still, and the Southerners brought modified soldiers to the battlefield, who were not afraid of the poisoned atmosphere of the planet.
The protagonist of the game is a genetically enhanced fighter of the army of the Southerners named Rogue. His main mission is to find and destroy the traitor general.
As a soldier should, Rogue will fight all the time. Tactical capabilities are expanded due to the characteristics of genetic infantrymen. A chip with personality characteristics is implanted in each fighter, which can be removed and inserted into his equipment after the death of a colleague. Rogue will take the chips of three partners and will be able to listen to their opinion on what is happening, as well as use their skills:
- conduct more accurate fire and turn the machine gun into a turret;
- produce items of equipment from materials found on the battlefield or extracted from killed opponents;
- more precisely, detect enemies, disable security systems, use a hologram as a distraction or a trap.
The infantryman will destroy opponents with a machine gun, a pistol with infinite ammunition and an unlimited number of micromines. Later in the arsenal will appear: a shotgun and a mortar, a rocket launcher, an

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