Survarium (2014) PC
Survarium is a free online first–person shooter featuring survival roles. The game was developed by Vostok Games and published by GSC Game World in December 2011. Although Surbarium is similar in appearance to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, the developers intend to include comparable characteristics, in particular anomalies and artifacts and an "ecological catastrophe" that makes most of the environment unsuitable for humans.
A worldwide environmental catastrophe occurred in 2020, destroying approximately 90% of humanity. The disaster takes the form of a fast-growing forest that is actively looking for something to grow and destroys it. Weapons manufacturers, military bases and laboratories are working on methods to stop the spread of the forest. Players need to survive and defend themselves in destroyed cities and camps.
The game features a team game so that players can represent their chosen faction and fight against rival factions. There are currently five modes available:
- TeamDeathmatch.
- ArtifactHunt.
- Research.
- BatteryRetrieval.
- Slaughter.
The latter was added in Update 0.30. The free free game mode will contain a large, session-based map with a limited number of players in it at a time. Players will appear on the map at a random point and will be free to explore it to find items and uncover a component of the story.
Users can work together with other people, fight against them, or simply avoid them. You will be able to leave the map with all the earned items by hitting one of the exit points. They are located at each location. If the character dies, you will lose all items and return to the lobby, where you can enter another free game. The co-op game mode is designed to complem

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