The Punisher (2005) PC
The Punisher is a very unconventional and slightly evil superhero project in which the protagonist does not disdain to intimidate, beat and torture criminals caught in every possible way. The game was released in early 2005.
A sea of cruelty and violence
The protagonist of the game Frank Castle does not waste extra time and effort trying to persuade the villains to surrender. He brazenly explodes into the enemy's lair and arranges a real bloodbath, shredding enemies right and left from a variety of weapons. Frank does not have the valor and morality of typical heroes, so it will be very bad for all criminals and villains when they meet the punisher.
The punisher uses special cruelty during interrogations of any criminal. In this case, the unlucky poor fellow is clearly not going to be well, and he will not get off with simple abrasions or bruises. Frank Castle is incredibly cruel to people who have broken the law.
Great shooter mechanics
Despite the age of the game, The Punisher boasts high-quality shooting and a huge selection of weapons. You will be able to shoot enemies without fear of any consequences for this, although it is clearly not worth getting into the brazen, it can end badly. The main character is an ordinary person, although very well trained to fight, so he will not survive a few hits.
Features of The Punisher:
- High-quality shooter mechanics, it is interesting and pleasant to shoot, all weapons have their own ballistic characteristics, so everyone will be able to find the most suitable gun for themselves.
- An incredibly cold-blooded and cruel protagonist who will not let all the villains and criminals get too wild. He will solve the problems at the root by simply killing all the enemies.
- The absence of stupid actions on the part of the protagonist, which are often prese

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