Sid Meier's Civilization 6 (2016) PC
The foundation of all parts of Civilization was the construction of grandiose empires from scratch. To lead the state from the Stone Age to the time of information technology, to expand the sphere of influence, to conduct trade, to conclude alliances and declare war, to develop various branches of the economy – all this comes in a single package. The main differences of Civilization 6 are the improved graphics and the scale of what is happening.
Features of the new Civilization
Other features of the presented game are:
- Cities are now located on several squares of the map at once. Several interesting features have been added, for example, the closer a city is to the point of overpopulation, the more the birth rate drops.
- Support units can be attached to the troops.
- Studies of the surrounding areas have become more interesting. Depending on the location of the cell chosen for construction, the amount of resources supplied for industrial production varies.
- It is not necessary to educate your own scientific and industrial geniuses – they are bought from other states for a tidy sum.
- Excessive artistic design elements were sacrificed in favor of speeding up the animation of construction.
- A more developed diplomatic system. The conclusion of profitable alliances, the organization of military and industrial blocs is the key to success.
- For a network game with friends, new, interesting and deeply developed scenarios have been added.
The game has become more complex, the threshold for entering and mastering the gameplay has increased. But, this factor plays into the hands of the new part of the "Civilization" only – the process of building virtual empires drags "head over heels", and looks more realistic. It is impossible to pass it without well-thought-out tactical and strategic decisions several steps ahead.
In general, in the new part 6 of the famous turn-based strategy, it was possible to preserve all the best that was in the previous games of the series. At the same time, all the gameplay elements were carefully upgraded, and worked to complicate the game mechanics. On the leading thematic resources, the game has scores above 9 out of 10 possible points. Also, Sid Meier's Civilization 6 won 15 titles at the prestigious E3 exhibition, it was warmly received by both ve

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