Lost Sphear (2018) PC
Lost Sphear is an old–school fantasy role-playing adventure in which players will have to assemble a loyal team of warriors, magicians and other fighters, after which they will go on a long journey, the purpose of which will be to save the whole world.
It is necessary to restore the disappearing world
The developers took a non—standard approach to the task typical for most computer games - saving the world. The story begins with four characters trapped in a small location, torn from reality. They will have to explore disparate locations and restore the former world, materializing it from their own memory.
The gameplay in Lost Sphear is typical of most old RPGs. The player will have to control a small group of characters that differ in strength and style of battle. It is better to put stronger and more tenacious fighters in the front ranks, while it is better to leave magicians a little behind, where it will be more convenient for them to use destructive spells.
As you travel, your group will come across completely different opponents, starting with ordinary people and ending with huge and almost invulnerable robots that can send you to the next world literally with one direct hit.
To effectively deal with bosses, you have to use the strengths and try to close the weaknesses of the fighters. It will be useful to throw armor reinforcement on the brave warrior, while it is better for the archer to increase the accuracy and strength of shots. Effective distribution of roles will greatly simplify the passage.
Features of Lost Sphear:
- An interesting combat system that forces you to use all the abilities of the characters.
- Old-school gameplay that will definitely appeal to fans of old role-playing adventures.
- A rather strange and slightly tragic plot.
- Quite a

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